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Thursday, 30 June 2011

Ignition totally replaced.

Removed the distributor since it's not used anymore, the megasquirt controlled ignition works perfect.
Mesured the milage and oddly enough, the fuel consumption has got down 10-15%??? 

Can you see what's missing.... Yes it's the distributor...

Spare parts from now on...

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Ignition is now rebuild.

Mounted the pulley and the new steel triggerwheel-adapter, bought 6 new bolts since the old ones where to short, secured them with blue Loctite and tighted them using 40 Nm.

Removed the old ignition system except for the distributer(will be removed when I see that this triggerwheel-adapter construction works). The old ignition can be remounted in about 30 min, it's importent that I can restore everything to original if necassery.

Haven't adjusted the lenght of the cables and wires yet since I have the fuel swap left so it looks a little messy rigth now but it will be better as soon as I built the cables and connctors for the fuel injectors.

Cleaned and putted some paint where I could reach.
Pulley and adapter in place together with waterpump pulley.
Close view of the mounted triggerwheel-adapter.
Side view of the triggerwheel-adapter
Triggerwheel mounted, the trigger-sensor to the left.
Triggerwheel and trigger-sensor.
New relayboard almost in place.

Coilpack connected.

Close view of relaybord, everything temporarily strapped together

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Put the project on ice for a little while...

First of all... It's been such a nice wether so I prefer driving it right now...
Second.. The mounting of the trigger wheel wasn't optimal, the aluminium was to weak and started to give in due to poor design. A new adapter made of stainless steel is under fabrication and will probably solve the issue once for all...

A friend of mine turned the middle section inside the pulley absolutely flat and also flattened the edge of the pulley.
The adapter made out of steel fits perfect in the middle of the pulley.
The trigger-wheel will lay on both the adapter and the pulley-edge for a perfect fit.
Exactly the same height

Thursday, 2 June 2011

Ignition replaced

Today I disconnected the old Bosch transistorized ignition system and replaced it with a new one, controlled by the MegaSquirt system. 

I will drive the car for a couple of days and see how it works out, used a "stroboscope lamp" to get the mechanical ignition advance curve and made a ruff estimation out of this to create my new ignition table.

So far I must say that the car feels a little bit more responsive, could be the ignition table that makes the difference since its more linjear then the mechanical advance from on the distributor.

I also use Megasquirt to controll the electrical fan, I just put in a start temp(90degC) and a hysteres(3degC) and it will only start when necassery.

Have some more things to concerning wireing since I first want everything to work then I can put the right length on every cable including the ignition cables for the sparkplugs.

Made a shelf for the coilpack on the opposite side of the distributor.
Used the AC compressor mounting holes for the shelf.
Coilpack in place

Snake nest!!! will fix this soon

Distributor disconnected

Electrical fan also controlled by MegaSquirt from now on (via the relay). The old temp. switch are seen on the hose at the bottom here.