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Thursday, 17 March 2011

Today I helped my father in law when he fixed some of the rusty parts on my car's left fender.

He did the metall-work and I disassembled the interiour to prevent fire. The good part is when we check inside the rocker panel behind the lower rusty part on the first picture below( the panel where the jack goes into those tubes), there is no rust at all. And except for these rusty parts everything else looks really good so there was no need for removing this left fender.

Since there is no interest in pictures of rust, I just put up a few here so that people can see where they should look for rust before buing a SL.

I also spent 4 hours to cut and scrape away that plastic/rubber coat which was sprayed inside the right fender. It was impossible to remove the right fender until all that coating was removed since it worked like glue between the parts. Finally I got it off and you can see on the last pictures what I found...

Removed the upper rusty parts and prepeared it for welding.

Starting to rebuild the frame.

The whole frame rebuilded and painted with rust-stopper.
A new piece in place and painted.

Prepearing for the next day's adventure, the right side...
After I spent 4 hours of blood, sweet and tears to get the fender off.
Everything else looks really fresh...

Rust in the same places as on the left side except for the upper rusty part...
removed the coating before grinding...
The rusty part removed...
No rust inside the "frame", and I'm very happy for that..

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